Traditional system of medicine consists of wide variety of plants with various medicinal and pharmacological benefits, hence providing large number of new bioactive molecules. Hemidesmus indicus is one amongst these, widely distributed in South Asia, commonly known as “Indian sarsaparilla“. It has been recognized in different traditional system of medicines and used as official drug in I.P and B.P. Studies are being carried towards its use as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, hepatoprotective, anti-oxidant and helico bactericidal properties. It also protects radiation induced DNA damage. The plant found to be useful in biliousness, blood diseases, dysentery, diarrhoea, respiratory disorders, skin diseases, syphilis, fever, leprosy, leucoderma, leucorrhea, itching, bronchitis, asthma, eye diseases, epileptic fits in children, kidney and urinary disorders, loss of appetite, burning sensation, dyspepsia, nutritional disorders, ulcer and rheumatism. This review was carried out to reveal the hidden potential and its uses.